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    The General Manager of Libya Post Company meets the Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development

    This morning, Tuesday, corresponding to 02/21/2023, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, the second meeting was held between the Libya Post Company, represented by the Director General, and the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, represented by the Minister. During the meeting, many issues of common interest and ways to enhance And support for joint cooperation between the two parties. The two parties praised their pioneering role in spreading this culture. The Minister listened to a detailed explanation by the Director of the Stamps and Amateurs Office about the legacy of Libya Post in the field of designing, issuing and printing postage stamps and their tireless work to highlight and embody the most important historical events, monuments and monuments. The cultural and historical heritage, for her part, the Minister presented a detailed presentation of the most important historical sites scattered throughout the country. Mr. Director of the Commercial Services Department, Mr. Director of the Stamps and Hobbyists Office, and Mr. Head of the Marketing and Media Department. This meeting aims to increase cooperation between the Ministry and the Libya Post Company, especially in the field of postal services, and to develop a joint and strong vision to build a real partnership to establish fruitful and effective cooperation that will soon culminate in conclusion A joint cooperation agreement between Libya Post and the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development

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